How to Balance Indulgence and Nutrition This Summer Season

If there’s one thing we understand, it’s indulgence. So do our cows! From happy suckling calves to munching on rolling Albertan pasture, every piece of our story is based on the best ingredients enjoyed daily.

Sadly, as a human, you don’t have four stomachs to digest our treats with. As a result, we have to make sure that our indulging doesn’t involve foods that cause heart, weight, or energy issues.

Our cows—the kings and queens of healthy eating—have shared their wisdom on how you can better manage indulgence and nutrition this summer season. Let’s hear what they have to say!

Chewing Slow—It’s Not Just for Cud!

“We cows take our time, chewing our food over and over again. You two-legged friends can do the same!”

Put some thought into balancing your plate, take time with each bite, and listen for your body’s natural signals, including when you need to drink. With a little care, you won’t end up overstuffing yourself, and your insides (whether it be one stomach or four) will thank you for it.

Healthy Options First

Wagyu cows crave fresh grass and the craggles of local hay. We humans have our own healthy pastures at the grocery store, but it can be challenging to stay on track—especially with summer on the mind. Just as cows always go for fresh stuff, you can first fill your plate with those good-for-you options. Then, if there’s room, a little treat (like that tempting grain bucket for our cows) won’t hurt.

It’s not all about veggies, however. Any minimally processed meat option like our Wagyu snack bars can give you a protein kick without filling you up on sodium and preservatives.

Stay on Top of Hydration

Did you know the word ruminate comes from animals like cows and goats? These “ruminate” species use a special stomach (the rumen) to process tough stalks and complex starches. Over time, they chew, chew, and chew some more—extracting nutrition from unlikely sources.

An unlikely place that you probably spend too little time thinking about when dieting is the role of water and hydration. Water is essential for a healthy cow, and it’s just as important for you! Keep your water bottle handy, just as our cows have access to a clean stream, and remember to take frequent sips throughout the day. Your body will be moo-ving smoothly, just like our spotted friends!

Get Outside to Graze

The best part of summer is the freedom to roam. Introducing even a little bit of wandering into your day offers cardio, happy endorphins, and fresh air—three key parts of healthy living. You may just find that increases in mood lead to decreases in appetite.

Have you ever seen a cow leaping in the grass? They may have had the right idea all along! Activity, for activity’s sake, is what a prairie summer is all about.

Find Your Balance With Ranch Provisions

As fourth-generation farmers, we’ve had lifetimes to consider how nature, health, and our bodies interact. Our farm-fresh foods distill all that we’ve learned, offering you a quick and satisfying bite without introducing any junk into your system.

13+ grams of protein in every bar, packed to the brim with feeling and flavour. For healthy eating this summer, check out our entire lineup of beef bars (and “Swagyu” merch 😉) here!

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